You are special.
"You are very precious, each of you, regardless of your circumstances. You occupy a high and sacred place in the eternal plan of God, our Father in Heaven. You are His daughters, precious to Him, loved by Him, and very important to Him. His grand design cannot succeed without you." Gordon B. Hinckley One bright and shining HopeWhen you feel like you are failing, or that no one knows that you exist, try to remember that there is one who never fails us. He sees the potential in us... always. He loves us and knows what we are able to accomplish in this life. He knows to what heights our talents can take us. He knows where our lives can go. He knows that we are special. He wants to hear about our day. He wants to know that we are grateful. He wants to know that we need Him. He wants us to know that we are loved. He knows that we are a gift and he wants us to return to Him one day.
Every day we have potential to be a little better than the day before. One baby step at a time. One moment at a time. One experience at a time. I need to know every day that I matter. I need to remind myself every day that I am important, if not to the people around you, to one special person who will never stop rooting for us. He will never give up on us. He will give us every opportunity to succeed and be the best that we can be.
It was not promised to us that life would be easy. It was only promised that it would be worth it. Our journey will be difficult, and there will be trying experiences that will test us to our limits at times, but what I have learned, is what you survive, and what you go through will cause you to grow. There are a hundred reason to give up, there are a hundred reasons to say that I cannot go on. But I want to learn to say that, "this might be hard, but I cannot quit. I cannot give up. I cannot allow myself to say that I am not worth the effort.
"We are ALL worth the effort. We just have to allow ourselves to believe that."
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