Thursday, December 8, 2011

Friendship and Sharing Our Love for Jesus Christ at the Holidays.

Tonight I had some wonderful people invite me to (the women's organization in our church) the Relief Society Progressive Dinner. It was so special.  I am not a social butterfly, in fact it causes me a bit of anxiety, but this was very special.  The heartfelt sentiments, and talks that were shared, the wonderful food, rich and beautifully decorated homes, the sharing of talents with beautiful singing, and seeing so many lovely women with the same light of Christ in their countenance's, made me feel so filled up, and I needed it.  Obviously from my last post, I have been struggling.  Bitter sweet holiday emotions.  However, tonight went a long way toward making me feel so much better.  It is amazing how letting Heavenly Father touch your heart can make all your troubles feel lighter.  It can make your sorrows feel less heavy, and it can make you (me) feel like I have a new lease on the day.
It is also wonderful to drive around, share a laugh, and see the visible Christmas spirit, with the twinkle lights, decorations, wreaths, etc.  I am finding that you can have a Merry Christmas without snow, and still have it be the best time of the year. I guess it is all in your attitude and how open you make yourself.
Our neighborhood is so different from where we came from, as far as we have a chapel on every corner and a member or more on every street in our neighborhood. Also we have 2 temples within 1/2 an hour of each other and another being built. How special is that?
I feel so blessed right now.  This time in my life is so what I needed.  I don't regret our move at all.  I miss family, but life is about living and I went a long time without living at all.  In fact I  was bed ridden for a year before we came here.  I went to a five week pain clinic to learn to try to live with all my ailments, but since we have been here I feel so much better.  It does not mean I do not struggle, but life is feeling more worth living these day.
Tonight was just wonderful, and even though I don't know everyone in our ward yet, each person that I have met I like and the more I get to know them...well, the more I find to like about them.
We are also blessed to have such amazing leadership in out ward.  Our bishop has such a good heart, and our relief society, young women's, young men's, and primary presidency work so hard to make us all feel special, loved, and help us to learn so much using such generous, loving, Christ-like spirits.
I just feel so blessed, and (as I often do) not worthy.  I don't know what I did to deserve so much, but I'm glad that Heavenly Father believes that I am (worthy).  I try not to question his wisdom too much.
I want to wish everyone that I am so grateful for this time of the year, for the knowledge, testimony, and love I have for the Savior and his gospel.  I just hope that I can pass some of that on.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!  I hope that you will have moments like I did tonight.
Thank heaven's for the love of our Heavenly Father.  I appreciate that he knows what and who we need in our lives.  I bear my humble testimony that our Heavenly Father and his Jesus Christ lives and that they love us and want nothing more than our growth and happiness, and that makes everything feel better.
Merry Christmas everyone!

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